Free Calls to Russia
Russia International Dialing Code: +7
Russia Supported Area Codes: 840, 940 900335, 900336, 900337, 900338, 900339, 900340, 900341, 900342, 900343, 900344, 90205, 90206, 90207, 90252, 902553, 902554, 902555, 902556, 902557, 902559, 902710, 902717, 903, 90462, 904700, 904701, 904702, 904703, 904704, 904705, 904706, 904707, 904726, 904727, 905, 906, 908364, 908375, 908376, 908377, 908378, 908379, 908435, 908436, 908437, 908438, 908439, 90844, 90845, 908460, 908461, 908462, 908463, 908464, 90896, 90897, 90898, 90899, 909, 930095, 933001, 933002, 933003, 933004, 933005, 933006, 933007, 933008, 933009, 933010, 933011, 933012, 933013, 933034, 933035, 933036, 950668, 950880, 95100, 95101, 95102, 95320, 95321, 95322, 96, 980999, 983888, 983999, 986666, 986667, 986668, 986669, 986670, 986671, 986672, 986673, 994026 90211, 90222, 902240, 902249, 90229, 902320, 902321, 902322, 902323, 902324, 902327, 902328, 90233, 902350, 902351, 902359, 90237, 902660, 902661, 902662, 902663, 902665, 902714, 902716, 902748, 902749, 902953, 902954, 902955, 902993, 902994, 902995, 904708, 904709, 904710, 904711, 904720, 904721, 904722, 904723, 904728, 904729, 904730, 904731, 904732, 904733, 904734, 90474, 908344, 908345, 908360, 908361, 908362, 908363, 908365, 908366, 908367, 908368, 908369, 908373, 908374, 90838, 90839, 90840, 90841, 90842, 908430, 908431, 908432, 908433, 908434, 90861, 90862, 90884, 908850, 908851, 92, 93, 950669, 950881, 950882, 950883, 950884, 950885, 950886, 950887, 95128, 95889, 99111, 99555, 99595, 995980, 995981, 995982, 995983, 995984, 999 9 495, 499 901152, 901260, 901261, 901415, 901416, 901418, 901440, 901441, 901442, 901475, 901476, 901478, 90181, 901952, 90208, 902200, 902203, 902204, 902205, 902206, 902207, 902208, 902209, 902241, 902242, 902243, 902315, 902316, 902317, 902318, 902319, 90234, 902352, 902353, 902354, 902712, 902713, 902746, 902747, 904724, 904725, 904735, 904736, 904737, 904738, 904739, 90835, 908370, 908371, 908372, 90852, 90853, 90856, 91, 95023, 950888, 950889, 95093, 950940, 950941, 950942, 950943, 950944, 95854184, 95854185, 958541860, 958541861, 958541862, 958541866, 95880, 95881, 95882, 958830, 958831, 958832, 958833, 958834, 9780, 97810, 97811, 97812, 97813, 97814, 97820, 97821, 97822, 978255, 978256, 978257, 978258, 978259, 97826, 97827, 9787, 9788, 98 336, 3422, 3432, 3433, 3452, 3462, 3492, 3512, 3522, 4712, 4722, 4732, 4742, 4752, 477, 4812, 4822, 4832, 4842, 4852, 4862, 4872, 4912, 4922, 4932, 4942 341, 353, 3812, 3832, 3833, 3842, 3852, 3882, 401, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 491, 492, 493, 494, 496, 498, 811, 813, 816, 817, 820, 831, 833, 834, 835, 836, 841, 842, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 851, 861, 862, 863, 865, 866, 867, 871, 872, 873, 877, 878, 879 3012, 3022, 347, 3822, 3902, 3912, 394, 3952, 8142, 8152, 8182, 8212 342, 343, 351, 352, 381, 383, 384, 385, 388, 4152, 4162, 4212, 4232, 4242, 4262, 814, 815, 818, 821 301, 302, 345, 346, 349, 365, 382, 390, 391, 395, 411, 413, 415, 416, 421, 423, 424, 426, 427, 843, 855, 869 850 812Russia Supported Destination Cities: Abkhazia, Beeline Mobile, Megafon Mobile, Mobile, Moscow Central, Mts Mobile, Other, Other Zone 1, Other Zone 2, Other Zone 3, Other Zone 4, Other Zone 5, South Osetia, St. Petersburg,
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